I'm realizing that the stress I feel from being unable to "change things" is, in a way, a clash with reality. My ideals for the myself, the world, and my own ability to change things in a huge, sudden way are clashing with 'what is'.
I'm sure you're familiar with the Serenity Prayer. Reinhold Niebuhr's original prayer begins as follows:
- God, give me grace to accept with serenity
- the things that cannot be changed,
- Courage to change the things
- which should be changed,
- and the Wisdom to distinguish
- the one from the other.
I'm a big fan of viewing the individual person as a single cell in an organism. Maybe that one cell can't change the entire organism, but it definitely contributes to the health or sickness of the whole. The individual makes a difference. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi stated that the individual is the basic unit of the state of the world. He used the analogy, "It takes green trees to make a green forest".
My current philosophy is this: If you can't change the world, work to change your country. If you can't change your country, work to change your state. If you can't change your state, work to change your community. If you can't change your community, work to change your household. If you can't change your household, work to change yourself. After all, you are the beginning of all change.
What will it take for you to be the healthiest cell that you can be? What can you do right now, right where you are, that will lead to more positive change?
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